The Father’s Love

The Father’s Love

In the midst of troubled waters, he whispers His love.
In cold and darkest night, he spreads his blanket of love.
When I gave up on myself, His love outstretched.
When friends deserts, He clothes me with Love.
Oh! The Fathers love.

When I felt bound, tells me I’m set Free.
When I felt unworthy, tells me I’m Justified.
In my shame, tells me I’m sanctified.
When my past haunts, tells me I’m righteous.
Oh the Father’s Love.

Deeper than any ocean, Higher than any mountain.
No height, depth, width, breadth can quantify.
Immeasurable. Unfathomable.
What manner of Love is this?
Oh! the Fathers love,
Revealed in Christ.

When I sleep.

When I sleep.

When I Sleep;
Dress me up as a king.
A crown to my head.
A white apparel for my nakedness.
A scepter on my right hand.
‘cos I am going to rule.

When I sleep;
Plant me gently on the altar of no return.
A little deep in the earth’s crust;
Lest the vanities of men wake me.
Tip the sand pleasantly, I love it quiet.

When I sleep;
Shed little tears, ‘cos I would have.
Not too much, ‘cos I won’t be asleep for long.
I would be waking in my Father’s bosom.

When I sleep;
Keep the memories,
Live every moment deliberately and purposefully.
Abide in my Father’s Love;
Revealed in Christ.

When I sleep;
I would be in a better place.

**for my Lady

**for my Lady

It’s over a million seconds ago.
Memories still fresh as today’s palm wine.
The butterflies still sing in my stomach;
My heart still melts at your beauty;
And my soul still longs for her.
She’s my Lady.

I would tell the sun
And sing to the moon.
My unending love for your gap tooth.
I would whisper to the stars and reveal to the cloud.
How much I love my Lady.

Silently in the corridor of my soul.
I placed an order to the universe.
Deep rooted in the cravings of my well being
That we make perfect our imperfections
That we drown in the oceans of love.
That we are strong in the face of trials.
That we sail this journey forever.
That I may forever call you my Lady.


Bright sunny day it was.
Suddenly the painter of the sky splattered ash and black color on the curtains stretched over the earth. The sweet smell of the rain diffuses.
Like any other day she must have thought. She probably felt like sleeping over and over, recursively like I felt. She probably was saddled with so much errands, sleep was a mere wish. Or, probably enjoyed the soothe canning of the rain and watched the creator draw faint lines from his abode to the surface of the earth. Whatever, it was certain she arose for the day’s challenge to save another day.
She, probably, joyfully carried her tray, or forcefully had to listen to mama’s beckoning call. As usual, she packed the groundnut from the pot onto her tray or she was helped. Her sisters and fellow groundnut sellers ready to sell again.
As they walked gisting, gleaming for yet another adventure of groundnut selling, she probably thought of the stress and some rude inconsiderate customers she might meet. Or the gladness to make ends meet.
Carried away by her friends, many thoughts rushed in and out at the speed of light. Only if she could hear the Mother Earth calling! Only if she could read the signs! Only if she could see the leaves waving bye! Only if …
Probably she did not, probably she did and ignored. Whichever, she took big, bold steps. Tendering softly towards the great beyond, the wind blew softly against her body. Full of life, she chanted “groundnut”, “buy groundnut”.
She probably walked a kilometer, a thousand kilometer …Death smiled at a distance.
Each step nearing to the end, but she gracefully took them. All that happened or could have happened did not matter any longer. She’s just a step on the steep between life and death.
Probably someone called back. Probably she didn’t hear. Probably someone could have redirected her step. Probably she could have taken another path. Probably someone halted her. Probably she could hear the earth calling loudly. Probably …
The creator must have watched all this happen. He must have known it would happen but didn’t avert it.
Like every other footstep, she unconsciously thought. Only if we could run through the nanoseconds and pause time but it occurred so fast.
Man’s invention! Our carelessness!
She trod on the thin like rope. It softly pricked her soft skin. It was a wire! Not just a wire, a live wire! Watching people watch her. The current found solace in her body.
In a split second, all the pain stopped; she no longer existed.
She probably tried to get up and discovered she’s just a detached soul.
She probably watched them drag her body from the mud or saw a thousand expressions as the crowd gathered to watch.
She probably saw the tears on her mothers face as they laid her on the altar of no return.
She probably saw me, as I stared at her legs.
She probably thought of all the unaccomplished dreams she had and the wedding ceremony she was to attend.
She is probably watching as this stranger reads about her.
One thing I’m certain,  another loved one just said bye.